(For those of you who also can't throw away their old tools!)
After months of painting with one of my favourite paintbrushes it became too dirty and damaged to use. I considered throwing it away but it was simply too precious to do that! So I slipped it into a drawer, holding onto it in the hope that I could reuse it someday.
With some research I found a way to revive my special paintbrush with materials that are readily available at home. I had great success with this method and thought it would be helpful to quickly share it here!
You will need white vinegar, a pot, a stovetop (I used a gas stove to do this outside) and an old dirty paintbrush.
First, pour about 200 ml to 300 ml of vinegar into the pot and bring it to a rolling boil. Put the boiled vinegar into a glass or other suitable container along with your paintbrush so that the bristles soak in the vinegar.
You only need to use a small amount of vinegar because it is just the bristle-end of the paintbrush that needs to be submerged. Leave it soaking in the vinegar for about 5-10 minutes. Give the paintbrush a swirl around in the vinegar and scrunch the bristles against the bottom of the container to see how much debris has loosened. When it looks like most of the dried paint has soaked off, pull the paintbrush out, give it a wash with soap and water, and you’re done!
We can’t turn back the clock for our favourite old paintbrushes but this technique certainly makes them usable again. How clean you can get your paintbrush also depends on the paint you usually use, and generally speaking a brush that has spent time in acrylic paint will be much easier to clean than one used with oil paint.
I hope that this method is helpful for artists who can't bear to throw away their old paintbrushes! Happy brush reviving, and let me know how it goes!
딱딱하게 굳은 오래된 붓 재 사용하기
(나처럼 재료 못버리는 분들을 위한..)
서랍에 있다가 버리기도 아깝고 그냥 내버려두었던 붓 .. 버릴까도 고민하다가 언젠가 쓸 수 있을까 해서 가지고 있었다. 그래서 재사용 할 방법을 찾아 간단히 적어본다.
준비물 : 굳은 붓, 식초, 냄비, 가스렌지
이렇게 집에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 재료로 붓을 세척할 것이다.
우선 냄비에 200ml -300ml 정도 식초를 붓고 팔팔 끓여준다. 끓어오른 식초를 유리나 사기 용기에 담아 굳어진 붓을 담근다. 붓의 머리부분만 담그면 되기때문에 적은양의 식초만 사용하면 된다. 그리고 5-10분 정도 식초물에 담근다. 중간 중간 붓을 식초 물에 눌러보며 어느정도 풀렸는지 확인해 본다. 그 후 빼내어 세척 하면 끝이다. (사실, 붓은 오일페인팅이나 아크릴페인팅 혹은 일반 페인팅 작업에 따라 세척 되고 풀리는 정도가 다른것 같다)
사실, 세 붓처럼 변하지는 않지만 어느정도 쓸 수 있는 정도의 붓으로 되돌릴 수 있게 된다.
본인처럼 재료를 못버리는 분들에게 조금이라도 도움이 되었으면 한다.